About Derick Gant

Derick Gant is an American entrepreneur, investment consultant, and author of the 24K Life Code. He invests in people, commodities, and communities. He has spent over 20 years helping people to shed fat physically and mentally to become the best version of themselves.
Be Your Best, Bring Your Best, Leave noting to chance.

February 2020

Believe The Hype

By |2020-02-01T12:07:18-06:00February 1st, 2020|Blog|

Don't Believe the Hype is a Lie Every day we are faced with a magnitude of people, responsibilities, and options that can be bigger than our lives. If you stop and listen to the news, [...]

June 2019

April 2019

March 2019

November 2018

Your Money Mantra

By |2018-11-27T16:12:00-06:00November 26th, 2018|Blog|

Your Money Mantra What is your money mantra and does it serve you? In order to have an extraordinary life, you must master yourself. More importantly master your emotions, that is, understand and direct them.  When [...]

July 2018


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