The Price of Personal Power
The Choices Winners Make We are the total of our experiences and choices, positive or negative. The truth is most people fail to take full ownership of those choices and therefore fail to have any [...]
The Choices Winners Make We are the total of our experiences and choices, positive or negative. The truth is most people fail to take full ownership of those choices and therefore fail to have any [...]
The adage 'be careful what you ask for' is exactly what focused expansion is about. The mere fact that you are asking for something is an indication that you are focused on what you want [...]
People are desperate for money and wins. When I say wins, I mean that people feel the need to make some progress towards a better life. The status quo is no longer the status quo, [...]
Forty-five years old, tired, dazed, and looking for the answer to what happened to the last 20 years? I know and hear this every day. "If I only knew then what I know now, I [...]
As I lay on my bed after an intense workout catching my breath and contemplating my Saturday, I saw them rise. I often sit or lay down briefly to gather my thoughts and catch my [...]
Today marks the beginning of the second half of the year and we would all agree that the first half was one of the worst of our communal lives. So many people fell off the [...]
What season are you in your life? Winter? Spring? Summer? Maybe Fall? It's time for a new season of prosperity. I hate to share this news but you are in the season that you most [...]
How strongly are you committed to what’s in your head or heart? The level of your certainty is congruent with the level of the results that you will experience. When you hope or wish for [...]
What’s in the stimulus package for me? Today the house of representatives voted to approve the TWO TRILLION dollar stimulus plan. This bill will help you to get through during these times of looming pandemic. [...]
Message Failed to Send How many times do you think about your life and ask God or the universe for something special to happen? Dozens if not hundreds, right? Why does it always feel like [...]