April 2012

Minimizing Your Debt

By |2012-04-03T11:38:58-06:00April 3rd, 2012|Blog, Debt|

minimizing your debt The third step in the 7 steps to wealth is minimizing your debt. It's been a while so the first step is to equip yourself with the right tools, while the [...]

March 2012

What To Know Tax Changes

By |2012-03-08T16:40:05-06:00March 8th, 2012|Blog|

  Every year subtle and or major changes occur regarding taxes. Plan on what to know tax changes putting you ahead of the game. Believe it or not we are 25% into the year already. [...]

January 2012

Maximize Your Income

By |2012-01-10T14:35:34-06:00January 10th, 2012|Blog, Finance|

MAXIMIZE YOUR INCOME An essential element of The 7 Steps to Wealth is to maximize your income. I’m certain that you read the title and immediately registered that you take every dime in your check. What [...]

December 2011

Iphone App Available NOW!!

By |2011-12-22T09:48:43-06:00December 22nd, 2011|Blog|

I am excited to announce that ASk DERICK Iphone App is now available in the Mac App Store. Take us on the go and download the new App. Android version will be coming very soon! [...]

Things to Get ahead in life

By |2011-12-16T12:02:29-06:00December 16th, 2011|Blog|

I was forwarded this blog article by Marc & Angela Hack. It's a very good list of things to do to get the most out of yourself and life. Ask yourself if you have what [...]

November 2011

Man Wins Millions TWICE

By |2011-11-29T21:54:40-06:00November 29th, 2011|Blog|

A single father shares his secret of what to do with the winnings of two separate one million dollar lottery's. Is it more than stupid luck or is there a trick to gaining your fourtune? [...]

Happy Thanks Giving

By |2011-11-23T21:27:26-06:00November 23rd, 2011|Blog|

Wishing everyone a safe and Happy holiday as you celebrate time with the special people in your lives. Take time to appreciate all that you have during your time away from the daily grind. Please [...]

Wednesday’$ Warnings

By |2011-11-16T09:23:48-06:00November 16th, 2011|Blog|

Things your should know about your Debit Card. Most things computerized for monetary transactions are regularly tracked. You may not know your being followed but you are. Not only are you being followed, the predator is [...]


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