About Derick Gant

Derick Gant is an American entrepreneur, investment consultant, and author of the 24K Life Code. He invests in people, commodities, and communities. He has spent over 20 years helping people to shed fat physically and mentally to become the best version of themselves.
Be Your Best, Bring Your Best, Leave noting to chance.

December 2011

Insurance Matters by Ryan Glaze

By |2011-12-06T11:55:10-06:00December 6th, 2011|Insurance|

When its owner for more than four decades passed away suddenly, Troy Belting and Supply Co. in Watervliet, NY, could have collapsed, as do many family businesses that lose their leaders. Instead, the company continued to [...]

The Strangest Secret

By |2011-12-01T11:02:08-06:00December 1st, 2011|Investing|

I have read many books after college that were far more meaningful to my life than calculus.  I use math and english on a daily basis to provide the best advice, however the best education [...]

November 2011

Man Wins Millions TWICE

By |2011-11-29T21:54:40-06:00November 29th, 2011|Blog|

A single father shares his secret of what to do with the winnings of two separate one million dollar lottery's. Is it more than stupid luck or is there a trick to gaining your fourtune? [...]

Be More Productive At Work

By |2011-11-28T16:54:30-06:00November 28th, 2011|Finance|

The title might trick you into thinking that in order to be more productive you need to dig deeper. This article, 8 things highly productive people, do may open your eyes into how you can do [...]

Reasons to skip Black Friday

By |2011-11-25T12:38:30-06:00November 25th, 2011|Finance|

Are you too late to get the best deals on Black Friday?  Many retailers have positioned their sales to extend well beyond the one day. The trick is to put out a few items spread [...]

Happy Thanks Giving

By |2011-11-23T21:27:26-06:00November 23rd, 2011|Blog|

Wishing everyone a safe and Happy holiday as you celebrate time with the special people in your lives. Take time to appreciate all that you have during your time away from the daily grind. Please [...]

Wednesday’$ Warnings

By |2011-11-16T09:23:48-06:00November 16th, 2011|Blog|

Things your should know about your Debit Card. Most things computerized for monetary transactions are regularly tracked. You may not know your being followed but you are. Not only are you being followed, the predator is [...]


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